Workplace Injuries
Working in a job with repetitive tasks increases your risk of upper limb injuries. Seeking early advice/treatment can minimise your time off work and maximise your recovery.
Injuries not managed effectively from the outcome can have devastating impact not just on you physically, but on your income, your independence, your life generally outside of work. Many common workplace injuries can be easily managed when attended to early, but can lead to protracted recovery when delay in seeking appropriate treatment occurs.
Our Hand Therapists are Experts in early diagnosis, aiming to locate the underlying cause during a thorough assessment. Following education on your condition, an effective evidence-based treatment will be implemented to then minimise complications and maximise your recovery time. Strategies may include customised splinting for support/unloading, strengthening and stability exercises [using Real Time Ultrasound Imaging to assist with training if required], Laser for pain/swelling control and ergonomic education.
Some common repetitive injuries include:
Tennis Elbow [Lateral epicondylitis]: Pain experienced in tendons attaching to the outside of the elbow on gripping or bending the wrist backwards. Appropriate bracing, wrist strengthening exercises and ergonomic education are required for long term control. Stubborn cases are often due to a missed diagnosis of irritation to the radial nerve, or an underlying neck problem.
De Quervains: Inflammation of the first extensor tendon sheath of the thumb as it crosses the back of the wrist, leading to a burning pain on thumb/wrist movements. Appropriate ergonomic advice, splinting and stability exercises essential.
Trigger Finger/thumb: Inflammation of the sheath around the flexor tendon causes the finger/thumb to ‘catch’ or lock on bending the digit. Early splinting along with education/advice can be effective in settling this common condition.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Too often this condition goes straight to surgery, when the underlying cause sometimes arises from the neck. It often requires a combined treatment approach.