Golf-specific Fitness and Rehab
Golf is one of the most accessible sports for people of all ages. On any given weekend in Coffs Harbour there will be people aged from 8 up to their 80’s out on a golf course. For many people golf is not only their primary form of physical activity, it also plays a central role in their social life. There are few things we ourselves at Coffs Coast Exercise Physiology enjoy more than spending a sunny Saturday afternoon on the golf course with a group of our mates.
While very enjoyable, golf can also be extremely frustrating. Whether that be having to play through niggling injuries, starting to lose distance with our drives as we get older, or being unable to do the things our coach tells us to do. A lot of these frustrations can come down to not being able to physically do the things we want to do. Whether that’s being able to get into the appropriate positions in your swing or being able to produce enough speed and power in your swing.
Hugh has undertaken training with the Titleist Performance Institute (TPI) completing their Level 1, Medical Level 2 and Fitness Level 2 courses. The TPI courses help to combine the worlds of golf coaching, rehabilitation and fitness training. These courses have helped give Hugh a deep understanding of the mechanics of the golf swing. This gives him the ability to perform a thorough golf-specific movement assessment and then work with your coach to develop a training program to address what you need to work-on on the golf course. Helping you to play better, pain-free golf for longer.