
So you have a rotator cuff (RC) tear? Research shows that with RC tears diagnosed by US or MRI in people over 50yrs, 50% (and if over 65 yrs 75%) of these tears are actually  asymptomatic- meaning that surgery is not necessarily required. If your shoulder symptoms are related to pain, weakness or movement dysfunction, conservative treatment well administered  can return the results you are seeking, and should always be attempted prior to embarking on surgery. But there’s more…

Pain felt in the front of your shoulder does not necessarily arise from it!!!!!!! And in these cases, no amount of rotator cuff band exercises will ever clear your pain! The shoulder girdle is a very complex biomechanical system, requiring a delicate interplay of joint and neural mobility, muscle flexibility/strength/endurance all co-ordinated by a finely tuned neural system. Your pain may be  originating from your thoracic spine (even without localised pain), a stiff sterno-clavicular joint, or even referred from your diaphragm! The list could go on. Our physios have studied this area extensively and continue to attend national and international Shoulder Conferences with the surgeons to keep abreast of best practice. They are experts in assessing, diagnosing and hence managing shoulder conditions and their rehab, including post-operative surgery and shoulder joint replacements.

The Shoulder & Elbow Physiotherapists of Australia (SEPA) is the elite special interest physiotherapy group at the forefront of research, evidence based protocol development, education and management of shoulder and elbow conditions. Our clinic boasts the only member of this group on the Mid North Coast, and as such is a major reference centre for the region. Faye has also received international recognition for her research into the shoulder as a published academic on the condition known as ‘Adhesive Capsulitis’. We have included the article here for your interest.